
May 21, 2016

High Power Large Tesla Coil —

High Power Large Tesla Coil —

Well-suited for museum displays, special action props, university research, laboratory studies, and the advanced hobbyist familiar with the use of high voltage.

The complete BTC70 comes ready-to-use with all components: the power supply with transformers, chokes, and 20 feet of HV cable (to operate the coil from a safe distance); the base unit with capacitors and spark gaps; the fully-wound secondary coil; and the toroid. The coil stands over 6-½ feet high, and requires a dedicated 220vac 50amp single-phase 3-plug “utility” socket (not a standard 115V wall outlet like our other coils).

  • Advanced Project for High Voltage Research
  • Throws Electrical Discharges out to over 10 Feet
  • Spectacular Display of Natures Fireworks
  • Materials Testing
  • Air-Blown 4-Point Heavy 3/8″ Tungsten Spark Gap
  • Size: 6.5′ Height x 24″ Square base
  • Power: 220vac 50amp single-phase

The plans contain 56 pages, color photos, engineering drawings, schematics, a parts list, etc., so this coil can be built for less than the Assembled price (but with several days of work required). All specialized parts are available through us and are fully described on the parts list.


Micro Mini Mite Multifunctional Tesla Coil
Project designd with safety in mind for the beginner hobbyist or science prject for the younger student


Lights Up A 4 Ft Florescent Tube
Without Contact!

This kit is an excellent joint or individual classroom project and Can be be discounted on bulk packaging to educational institutions and schools

This small and multifunctional tesla coil has an output voltage between 5000-7000 volts peak-to-peak at about 40kHz. It weights 6.0 oz (+2lb adapter), is 11″ high x 3″ square base, runs on 12V input (includes a 12 volt wall adapter for 115 vac operation), and can perform several functions:

  • Radiated Power Experiments
  • Gas Discharge Power Source
  • Electrical Pyrotechnics
  • Generate Ozone
  • Kirlian Photography
  • Plasma Etching

Also included is a High Voltage Retrofit kit that allows the device to perform a number of additional projects and experiments:

  • Jacob’s Ladder
  • High Speed Ion motor
  • Force Field
  • Motion Freezing / Time Quenching
  • Transmission of Charge
  • HV DC Multiplier
  • High Voltage Low Current Power Supply
  • Negative Ion Generator
  • Lightning Generator
  • Ion Wind, Anti Gravity, Air Purification, etc.

Assembly: The assembled version is fully built and ready to use. The kit requires wiring and soldering to a printed circuit board with some basic mechanical assembly. The HV retrofit kit requires assembly according to the project/experiment being done (but the MTC30 will operate on its own without any of the additional projects needing to be built).

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