
December 1, 2022

4 Things You Need to Know About High Voltage Resistors in 2023

‍High-voltage resistors (also known as HVRs) are used in electrical applications to increase the resistance of a circuit.

They work by providing more resistance at higher voltages, which reduces current flow through the component.

If you’re new to electronics, you might wonder what high voltage and high resistance have to do with one another.

After all, how can a simple resistor help you? It’s actually quite common for electronics engineers to use high-voltage resistors instead of standard components whenever possible.

In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about high-voltage resistors and their uses in electronic circuits.

What is a High Voltage Resistor?

High voltage resistors (HVRs) are used in electrical circuits to increase the resistance of a component at high voltages.

At low voltages, a resistor has very little effect on the current flow in a circuit.

In fact, at a low voltage, the resistance of a component is the same regardless of the current that passes through it.

At higher voltages, though, the resistance of a component can rise significantly because of the reduced current flow.

This change in resistance is what HVRs are used to achieve.

HVRs are used to reduce the amount of power that’s consumed by a circuit.

The power consumed by an electronic circuit is determined by two factors: the current flowing through the component and the voltage applied to the circuit.

Power is the product of these two factors, and reducing either one of these factors can drastically reduce the amount of power consumed by an electronic circuit.

How do High Voltage Resistors Work?

High voltage resistors work by increasing the resistance of a component at high voltages.

At low voltages, resistors have very little effect on the current flow in a circuit.

In fact, at a low voltage, the resistance of a component is the same regardless of the current that passes through it.

At higher voltages, though, the resistance of a component can rise significantly because of the reduced current flow.

If you’re looking to reduce the energy consumption of an electronic circuit, you can use high-voltage resistors.

These resistors tend to be most effective in low-current applications, but they can be very useful in high-current applications as well.

The type of circuit you’re trying to reduce the power consumption of will play a role in the selection of the right type of resistor.

Advantages of High-voltage Resistors

– They Reduce Power Consumption: At high voltages, a resistor increases in resistance and reduces the flow of current through it.

This change in resistance is what causes it to work as a high-voltage resistor.

– They’re Easy to Install: High voltage resistors can be installed very simply.

There’s no need to solder them into place, and they’re often easy to wire back-to-back with other components.

– They’re Effective: High-voltage resistors do work by increasing the resistance of a component.

If you’re trying to reduce the amount of power consumed by a circuit, they’re likely to be effective.

– They Have Many Uses: High voltage resistors are used in all sorts of applications, but they tend to be most effective in low-current applications.

You can expect to find them in things like power supplies, battery chargers, and electronic circuits that are used in low-current applications like laboratory equipment.

– They Can Be Used in High-Current Applications: High-voltage resistors are effective at reducing the amount of power consumed by a circuit.

They can be used in high-current applications like motors, transformers, and surge protection equipment.

– They Have Many Choices: High voltage resistors are available in a variety of resistances, so you can find exactly what you need.

– They Often Come in Packages of 10: High voltage resistors often come in packages of 10, which makes it easy to wire them back-to-back with other components.

– They Can Be Used in Series or Parallel: High voltage resistors can be used in series or parallel, so you can wire them together to achieve the desired resistance at a particular voltage.

Disadvantages of High-voltage Resistors

– They’re Expensive: High voltage resistors are often expensive, especially when you consider that they’re used in low-current applications.

The price of a resistor doesn’t typically reflect its value in the electrical industry.

– They Can Be Dangerous: High voltage resistors are dangerous and should be handled with care.

– They Can Be Difficult to Install: High voltage resistors are often difficult to install, especially at high voltages.

They can be dangerous and hard to wire back-to-back with other components.

– They Have a Limited Range: Low-current applications benefit the most from high-voltage resistors, but they can’t be used in high-current applications.


High voltage resistors are used to increase the resistance of a component at high voltages.

They work by providing more resistance at higher voltages, which reduces current flow through the component.

HVRs are dangerous and can be hard to install, but they can be very effective at reducing the amount of power consumed by an electronic circuit.

High-voltage resistors are used in low-current applications, but they can be effective in high-current applications as well.

High voltage resistors are available in a variety of resistances and can often be found packaged in 10s.

They can be dangerous and difficult to install, so you should be careful when handling them.


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