
May 17, 2016

Power Supplies – High Voltage, High Frequency from

Power Supplies – High Voltage, High Frequency from


It should be noted that the voltage these units generate is not a function of the turns ratio on the transformer. These transformers have been set to produce a voltage of 10,000 V peak by the turns ratio. The transformer secondary circuit mathematically is equated as a voltage source driving a reactance. This reactance is controlled by the airgap in the secondary only of the transformer, the number of turns, and the frequency that is tuned to. This is the inductance part of the resonant system that tunes out the capacitive reactance of the load.  When connected to a capacitive load the frequency should be tuned to obtain a resonant rise in voltage that is going to be dependent on the Q of the circuit being driven. So now the voltage output is a function of these parameters. The transformer has built-in protection circuitry that will shut the system down should the voltage on the transformer exceed the rating that the transformer is insulated for. Usually for at least 25,000 V peak. high voltage ceramic capacitor



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