
May 7, 2016

PVM400DELUX – with Optional Features to Enhance your Display -from

PVM400DELUX – with Optional Features to Enhance your Display -from

Similar to PVM400 but with additional features for those who want to add animation for a special display. Provides many options for the neon artist to dazzle, amaze and captivate the audience.

This is the PVM400 with several additional features:
1. This model PVM400DELUX has a built-in controller that allows you to change the display texture over a considerable range. This feature greatly enhances the display effect by controlling the ratio of pulse on to off times. (See the Duty Cycle Writeup for additional information.)
2. Contains a 3.5 mm audio jack that accepts a 5 volt level, allowing the unit to flash to any external source.
3. Excellent effect when activated in coincidence to the base beat of any music system when using our BASEBEAT10 as shown below.
4. Unit can be made to flash at a 50/50 rate from 1 to 30 flashes per second with the below FLASH10.
5. Multiple units up to four displays may be activated by our 10 program ANIMATOR40 shown below.

Neon control modules. We have 3 different modules that can control the neon transformer output. TheBaseBeat module dynamically responds to music, with adjustable patterns, sensitivity, and duration of output. The Flasher module has the traditional on/off cycle, adjustable from 10 cycles per second to one cycle per 5 seconds, and able to control 1 or 2 transformers. The Animator is an advanced version of the Flasher, controlling up to 4 transformers with 10 different patterns, and also able to be custom programmed. So depending on your needs, we’ve got you covered.


BaseBeat Module
Musical light flasher responds to the beat of the music. Great visual aid to any band or home music sound system. Neat effect when using our DC75 under-car neon transformer.

ATTENTION Music Lovers!

  • Makes neon lights flash to the musical base beats
  • Neat action display
  • Great addon to existing music systems

Interfaces with our PVM400DELUX transformer (or any transformer with an audio/animation control input) and can control a large display of neon tubing to flash along with the base beat of the music.

Great for bars, clubs, concerts, bedrooms, living rooms — anywhere music is played and you would like a neat visual effect. Ready to use and easy to operate, just connect to any audio output and adjust for effect.

Flasher Module
Great attention getting and special effects. Flash two displays in anti-coincidence. Use with our DC75 auto neon and any transformer with a control lead. Neat effect for under-car neon.


Flashes a single PVM400DELUX, or two in anti-coincidence — that is, one “off” the other “on” and reversing. Mating plugs fit into the PVM400DELUX unit. Adjustable flash rate.

Shown as board-level, and operates from included 12 volt wall adapter. Sold in a plastic channel with adapter wired in and two mating plugs for our PVM400DELUX.

Animator Module
Controller for up to four individual gas displays from neon tubing to neon art pieces, globes, columns, etc. Unit has ten selectable programs, and can be customized.


4-channel operation controls 4 PVM400DELUX’s, with up to ten selectable programs (selection is displayed on a digital readout). Animation speed is adjustable. Complete with mating plugs. Enclosed in small plastic channels with access to all controls. Custom programs on request.

The ANIMATOR40 can also be used with our NEON21 and NEONIZER transformers.

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