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June 8, 2016

How about What is Ultrasound machine? —-

How about What is Ultrasound machine? —- Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves and their echoes. The technique is similar to the echolocation used by bats, whales and dolphins, as well as SONAR used by submarines. In ultrasound, the following events happen: 1.The ultrasound machine transmits […]

Standart Posts
June 7, 2016

Xray machine introduction –Disadvantages about Digital Radiography —

Xray machine introduction –Disadvantages about Digital Radiography — Since digital radiography has  advantages, as one coin has 2 sides, it has disadvantages as well. The following disadvantages are listed in decreasing order of my own personal beliefs relative to the objectionable nature of each. Cost of devices. At the present time, the cost of […]

Standart Posts
June 7, 2016

General Medical X-Rays machine —

General Medical X-Rays machine — Description X-rays refer to radiation, waves or particles that travel through the air like light or radio signals. X-ray energy is high enough that some radiation passes through objects (such as internal organs, body tissues, and clothing) and onto x-ray detectors (such as film or a detector linked to […]

Standart Posts
June 6, 2016

Xray machine — CT Scanner —

Xray machine — CT Scanner — This page describes CT scans and how these advanced x-rays are used to provide cross-sectional views and three dimensional images of a patient’s internal organs. Overview “Get a CT on this guy,” is a phrase we hear often while sitting in our living rooms watching the newest medical […]

Standart Posts
June 6, 2016

X-ray–Radiation in Mammography–

X-ray–Radiation in Mammography– his page describes how x-rays are used during a mammography. Overview A high-quality mammogram is an effective tool for early detection of breast cancer. Mammography machines produce x-rays, which pass through the soft parts of bodies and capture a two-dimensional image of the dense parts, including tumors and cysts. Like microwaves, […]

Standart Posts
June 5, 2016

Xray machine knowledge– X-Rays, Pregnancy and Everybody —

Xray machine knowledge– X-Rays, Pregnancy and Everybody — Pregnancy is a time to take good care of yourself and your unborn child. Many things are especially important during pregnancy, such as eating right, cutting out cigarettes and alcohol, and being careful about the prescription and over-the-counter drugs you take. Diagnostic x-ray machine and other […]

Standart Posts
June 4, 2016

Xray medical machine — Using Digital Radiography to Improve Diagnosis —

Xray medical machine — Using Digital Radiography to Improve Diagnosis — As aesthetic dentistry has gained in popularity among consumers, who are more aware of the potential it has to correct deficiencies in their smiles, practitioners are challenged to improve the nature of their treatment. Often, this entails providing treatment with a smaller associated expense, […]

Standart Posts
June 4, 2016

Xray introduction–Affordable technological development for conventional radiology–

Xray introduction–Affordable technological development for conventional radiology– The last few decades have seen numerous technological advancements in the field of radiology with the introduction of newer technologies such as Sonography, Color Doppler, CT, MRI and DSA. In fact this has prompted the change of the nomenclature of this speciality from radiology to medical imaging. Alas […]

Standart Posts