
December 14, 2015

How to calculate the electric current that the high voltage ceramic capacitor can provide?

general datasheet 1


How to calculate the electric current that the high voltage ceramic capacitor can provide?

Many customer will ask us: this capacitor can provide much of the current? Can we charge the battery?
Indeed, high voltage ceramic capacitor current can be calculated. This mysterious formula is I=2 PI FCU
I: current (A)
PI: 3.1415926….
F: frequency, generally 50HZ or 60HZ
C: capacity (F)
U: voltage (V)
Below, we calculate the power of a high voltage condenser type transformer
Assuming a product, the high voltage side is the 900PF/10KV. low voltage side is the 220V. frequency is 50HZ, then this product current is:
Why is divided by 1000000000000? This is because 1F=1000000000000PF, twelve zero
In this way, when we know the current, and then want to know the battery charge, it is clear, for example, the low voltage side is 220V, then the power is far less than the 0.622W. of the customer's requirements of 3W power.

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