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May 5, 2016

Futuristic Electronic Guns -Application for high voltage ceramic capacitor —

Futuristic Electronic Guns -Application for high voltage ceramic capacitor — THE FUTURISTIC WEAPONS OFTEN SEEN IN THE MOVIES ARE NO LONGER COMPLETE FICTION With the development of the high efficiency laser diode makes possible a practical Ray gun where a matrix of these diodes can produce a collimated efficient electromagnetic beam of energy. Laser […]

Standart Posts
May 4, 2016

Microwave Cannon — Application of high voltage ceramic capacitor –

Microwave Cannon — Application of high voltage ceramic capacitor — Uses gigahertz frequencies generated by a magnetron or higher powered virtual cathode oscillator, gyrotron or other exotic means. The higher the frequency the more beam directional control is possible. Advanced project shows in detail how to utilize a micro-wave oven to construct a powerful source […]

Standart Posts
May 3, 2016

Futuristic Electronic Guns — Application for high voltage disc ceramic capacitor -

Futuristic Electronic Guns — Application for high voltage disc ceramic capacitor - THE FUTURISTIC WEAPONS OFTEN SEEN IN THE MOVIES ARE NO LONGER COMPLETE FICTION With the development of the high efficiency laser diode makes possible a practical Ray gun where a matrix of these diodes can produce a collimated efficient electromagnetic beam of energy. […]

Standart Posts
May 2, 2016

Vehicle and Object Shocking Device– HV Ceramic Capacitor Application introduce

Vehicle and Object Shocking Device– HV Ceramic Capacitor Application introduce- By This high-powered pulsed shocker can be used for automobile electrification, or serious electrification of other objects to protect against dangerous wild animals. This unit will even drive worms out of the ground, and has been shown to rid areas of moles, voles and […]

Standart Posts
May 1, 2016

Continuous output low-power portable shocker– Application of high voltage ceramic capacitor.

Continuous output low-power portable shocker– Application of high voltage ceramic capacitor from Continuous 2000 volt 10ma output in a cylindrical enclosure. Input and output have wire leads for easy connecting. Intended for discouraging animal pests from invading and raiding garbage cans, bird feeders, gardens and other sensitive areas. Excellent to set up an electric […]

Standart Posts
April 30, 2016

Energy Probe– application of high voltage ceramic capacitor

Energy Probe– application of high voltage ceramic capacitor Radiant Energy Probe and E-Field Detector Probe detects E fields produced by electrical activity and other unknown anomalies. Unit uses no batteries or other sources of power. Unit can also provide a three dimensional output “footprint” of medical healing machines such as LAKHOVSKY coils, High voltage […]

Standart Posts
April 29, 2016

PVM400-high voltage power supply- from

PVM400-high voltage power supply- from HV Power Supply, 20kV pk-pk, 20-30mA at 20-60kHz. Designed for Large Single Neon and Gas Artistic Displays up to Four Feet in Diameter Sphere Where the Virtual Ground Return is the Intrinsic Capacitance of the Surroundings.   Powers up to 48″ Plasma Globes Single Electrode Operation FEATURES: INPUT – […]

Standart Posts